Why Is My Phone Charging Slowly?

Why Is My Phone Charging Slowly?

Why Is My Phone Charging Slowly?

Why Is My Phone Charging Slowly? Causes And Consequences

Why Is My Phone Charging Slowly? Let's see why my phone is charging slowly...

USB cable : In case of any slow charging, the first cause should be your USB cable. It is often dirty and damaged. USB cables get twisted, wrapped and tangled inside the bag, causing malfunctions. Therefore, it does not provide a stable connection and power flow. Another reason is aftermarket cables. I'm not criticizing it, but this is a fact that charges the phone slowly.


Power source : The best thing you can do is plug your phone directly into the wall outlet. However, even this can be problematic. Especially if you're in an older building where the wiring might be a bit sketchy. Maybe there is no grounding in the electrical installation. We said plugging it directly into the socket because the amperage power of its own header is not the same as the voltage rate given by a computer USB cable input. Although it is easy to use from a computer with a USB port, it charges the phone slowly.


power adapter : To complete the charging, if the problem is not your power supply or cable, it may be the adapter you are using that causes your battery to charge slowly. There's a reason why every manufacturer provides a dedicated USB adapter for every phone they ship. For example, let's charge the phone using a 3-amp power adapter with a 1-amp power adapter, so you will see how slowly the phone charges. Changing adapters between phones is a matter of mixing wattage and amp voltage power. Therefore, it would be best to stick to the adapter that came with your phone.


socket input : Most of us carry our phones in our pockets. Dust and lint accumulated in our pockets prevent the socket entrance. For this reason, you need to clean the socket of your phone from time to time. Once you have control and are sure, your next step is to technical service Kaya GSM is to show it to .


Using while charging : Many of us make this mistake. However, it is necessary to stop using the phone while it is charging. Even though this possibility is difficult, this move should be avoided. Otherwise, you will have to use the phone while it is constantly charging.


Background : These are background applications that cannot be closed. Closing the applications we use during the day and not closing will allow our battery to be charged in a shorter time. Because background applications that are not closed run even when the screen is off and continue to consume power.

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