Huawei Power Button Replacement
Huawei Power Button ChangeIt is done by Kaya GSM expert technicians in 30 to 60 minutes.
How to understand if the Power Button (phone power button) is faulty?
If the phone is on and you try to turn it off and it does not turn off, there is a button fault.
If the phone is turned off and you try to turn it on and it does not turn on, the button is faulty.
If the device turns itself on and off
If the button works constantly and prevents you from using it in other ways, power button replacement must.
In such a situation Kaya GSM You can go to the expert technical service and ask for help.
Working Hours and Address Information
Monday-Saturday: 09:30—22:30
Sunday: 10:00—22:00
Kadıköy, Hasanpaşa neighborhood frogaldere street No: 76/B – Istanbul
Opposite Hasanpaşa Police Station (Black Sign – Kaya GSM)
GSM: 0506 178 1875
PHONE: 0216 337 5353
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