OPPO Battery Replacement Price List

Nowadays, most devices experience problems due to rapid battery drain. Oppo Battery replacement is also one of the problems that users frequently encounter. In this article, you can find the current Oppo Battery Replacement Price List. Our Kaya GSM Kadıköy Oppo Battery Replacement Price List is up to date. Apart from Oppo battery replacement prices, we will also answer questions such as do you need to change your battery and when should you change your Oppo battery.
Oppo Battery Replacement 2022 Current Price List
How Do I Know When It's Time to Replace Oppo Battery?
In general, all batteries in mobile phones lose their initial power over time. This means that they will initially have their maximum capacity when used out of the box, and over months and years this capacity will gradually decrease until the battery is completely exhausted.
When is Oppo Battery Replacement Required?
Eğer telefonunuzdan yeterli fayda sağlamadığınızı düşünüyorsanız ve beklemediğiniz anlarda sizi yarı yolda bırakıyorsa zamanı gelmiş diyebiliriz. Örneğin Oppo telefonunuzu %40 oranında şarj edilmişse ancak yine de gün içinde sizi idare ediyorsa sorun yok. Öte yandan, sürekli telefondaysanız ve öğlene kadar dolu şarjınız azalıyorsa, Oppo Batarya Değişimi vakti gelmiş diyebiliriz. Akıllı telefon bataryalarının çoğu 2 ile 3 yıl arasında dayanır, ancak bu süre, kullanımınıza bağlı olarak değişebilir.
Before looking at the Oppo battery replacement price list, you can download some applications to your phone and test the battery health of your phone.
Oppo Battery Problems
Your Oppo battery needs to be replaced now Common problems that may lead to a decision are as follows:
- Battery drains quickly during the day
- Şarjınızın %20’lerdeyken aniden bitmesi ve telefonun kapanması
- Battery swelling
- Damage to the Oppo battery as a result of charging in vehicles
- Liquid contact with the phone
- Using the device for a long time and playing games while the Oppo battery is charged
How Long Does Oppo Battery Replacement Take?
For Oppo Battery Replacement, our team carefully removes the back cover and inserts the new battery. Oppo battery replacement takes 20-30 minutes, but the time may vary depending on the intensity of the day. You can contact us in advance and make an appointment.
Can Oppo Phone Be Reset After Battery Replacement?
Oppo Battery replacement does not cause the information on your phone to be deleted or reset.
Oppo Performance After Battery Replacement
Oppo batarya değişimi yapıldıktan sonra telefonunuzu ilk aldığınız gün olduğu gibi tam dolu haline kadar şarj etmeniz ve sonra kullanmanız gerekmektedir. Tam şarja takmadan önce Oppo şarjının %10 altında olmasına dikkat ediniz.
How Long is the Oppo Battery Replacement Warranty Period?
Our Oppo Battery Replacement warranty period is 3 months. It is valid if the warranty certificate is presented within this period and the warranty conditions are not exceeded (there is no user error, etc.).
Alternative Solutions to Oppo Battery Replacement
Of course, if your battery is nearing the end of its life, there are other methods you can use before replacing the battery. A few popular battery life extension solutions include disabling unnecessary wifi, reducing screen brightness, uninstalling your phone's top battery-draining apps (games, unused apps), and factory resetting your phone.
Additionally, you can get short-term solutions with a power bank that allows you to charge your phone while on the move.